CBCGDF Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group Call for Reduce packaging and pack light! | Green Duanwu Festival Initiative

 June 10th 2024, is the Duanwu Festival (Dragon Boat Festival), Zongzi as a traditional food is much loved. However, the waste caused by over-packaging is becoming increasingly serious. In order to reduce pollution, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group put forward the green Dragon Boat Festival initiative: Reduce Packaging, Pack Light!

Credit: CBCGDF

Reducing packaging requires the joint efforts of producers and consumers. Producers should focus on product quality, use simple, atmospheric and biodegradable or recyclable materials, and reduce unnecessary decoration. Consumers should choose products with simple packaging when purchasing, focusing on the essence of the product and refusing excessive packaging. At the same time, can be organized through the package dumplings activities, both to increase holiday fun, but also to reduce packaging waste.

The China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation “Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group calls for the participation of all people and social governance, hoping to rely on the strength of society as a whole to declare war on plastic pollution, reduce the waste of energy and resources, alleviate the pressure on the environment, reduce the amount of plastic garbage on China’s coasts, rivers and seas, alleviate the pollution of marine plastic garbage, improve the marine ecological environment, protect marine biodiversity, help the United Nations sustainable development goals, and build an ecological society where human beings live in harmony with nature. marine ecological environment, protect marine biodiversity, help realize the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and build an ecological society where human beings live in harmony with nature.

Original Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/92fNl63H4JwjwwUU6QhJ8w

Editor: LYJ

Check: Maggie

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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