Chinese Native Bees Are Inseparable from Biodiversity | Zhou Talk about the Fourth Civilization (Lecture 292)

Recently, Dr. ZHOU Jinfeng, Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), was invited to attend the “20 Years of the Chinese Native Bee Honey Continuation” anniversary event, and shared his view on the role of Chinese honey bees(Apis cerana cerana Fabricius) in agricultural cultural heritage, hoping to provide some reference for the future development of enterprises rooted in China for 20 years.

First of all, on behalf of the CBCDGF, I would like to extend my warm congratulations on the successful holding of this event and wish the event a complete success.

The CBCGDF was established in 1985. It is a national society. It sounds like a long name and it seems that everyone does not fully understand it. Let me briefly introduce it. Biodiversity includes genetic diversity, species diversity and ecosystem diversity. In fact, the environment, ecology we talk about, almost all aspects, mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasses ,sand and ice, these are all biodiversity.

What we have to do is to protect our biodiversity, which is also the consensus of scientists. Every year, I have to go to many universities, including Tsinghua University, Peking University, ect., to give reports on biodiversity, forming a series of special topics on “Zhou Talk about the Fourth Civilization”, which has been read more than 100 million times online. The company we are communicating with today has a series of honey products. I have also had further exchanges with the company’s president and R&D personnel before. A company’s respect for science and assessment of the environment are reflected in the product production process and the impact on the ecological environment. This is very important and remarkable.

For a company that has been rooted in China for 20 years, I would like to talk about China’s native bee species,Apis cerana cerana Fabricius. How about Chinese native bees? I think the nutritional value of Chinese bee honey is higher than that of Italian bee honey. Chinese bees are not picky about nectar sources and are good at collecting nectar sources from wild vegetation walking in the natural ecological environment. Therefore, the honey produced by Chinese bees is “honey from a hundred kinds of flowers”, which has more comprehensive nutritional components than single flower nectar, and has certain advantages in color, fragrance, taste and storage time. As an introduced bee species, Italian bees reproduce faster than Chinese honey bees and have a shorter honey production cycle, so they quickly occupied the market in the field of artificial breeding, which also made the Chinese bee population precarious. What is the difference between Chinese bees and Italian bees? Chinese bees come out one month earlier every year, They pollinate early spring flowering plants in China and make honey. Without Chinese bees, the grasses will not produce seeds and will not grow next year. The reproduction and evolution of Chinese bee populations are closely linked to the biodiversity of nature.

Some of the specific contents in the sharing plan launched by the company are remarkable, because bees are traditional species. In addition to the honey they bring us, they are also an important part of nature. We jointly support the cooperation between China and Singapore. We jointly protect our health and the health of the earth, the only thing we humans depend on for survival.

Thank you all.

Original article:


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact:; +8617319454776


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