China Plans to Cut CO2 Emissions by around 13Mt through Industrial Renovation and Equipment Renewal in Cement Production between 2024 and 2025

Chinese government agencies have set specific carbon emission reduction goals for the cement industry, as the country shifts toward a low-carbon economy.

China plans to cut carbon dioxide emissions by around 13Mt through industrial renovation and equipment renewal in cement production between 2024 and 2025, according to an action plan released by government departments including the National Development and Reform Commission. Over the period, China also aims to save the energy equivalent of 5Mt of coal in cement production.

In a plan released earlier this year, China announced that half of the cement clinker production capacity in its key regions for air pollution control should achieve ultra-low emission transformation by the end of 2025. By 2028, 80 percent of the country’s overall cement clinker production capacity is expected to have completed this transformation.

Edited by: YJ
Checked By: LYJ
Contact:; +8617319454776 


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