IP planner Ms. Cheche: the Creation of “Haibanban” and the Diving Adventure | CBCGDF New IP Image

On June 6, 2024, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) released the latest IP Theme Image for the World Ocean Day – the Harbor Seal “Haibanban” by live broadcast.

Combing the theme of the World Ocean Day 2024″Awaken New Depths”, CBCGDF invited IP planner Ms. Cheche, Ms. XIONG Yutong, deputy secretary-general of CBCGDF, and Sara, the representative of the Ocean and Wetland Working Group of CBCGDF, to share with everyone the inspiration of creating the cute “Haibanban”, the plastic pollution and climate change problems faced by marine environmental protection, as well as the positive actions and measures CBCGDF has taken. 

“Haibanban” is a cute Harbor Seal. Its prototype comes from a 2-month-old baby seal rescued by the conservation area of China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF).

Ms. Che Che, a famous designer and IP planner, said: “the prototype of “Haibanban” deeply touched me. After deeply understanding the work of CBCGDF volunteers and their efforts for the survival and release of Harbor Seals, I think they actually gave “Haibanban” more life value.

As a diver, Ms. Che Che also shared with everyone the unknown conditions of the ocean observed during the marine ecological protection and diving. Ms. Che Che said that as a diver, while going deep into the marine environment, she should also have the knowledge to protect the ocean.

She also focused on the problem of marine garbage. She said that after getting in touch with diving, she found that the floating garbage people can touch only accounts for about 10% of the amount of marine garbage, and the other 90% of marine garbage is deposited on the seabed.

Divers are the only ones who have a path to see this seabed garbage, so they will try their best to protect the marine ecology in every dive and never touch any marine life, including staying away from coral reefs when taking a boat. The bacterial flora on our human body is completely different from the bacterial flora on marine organisms, our touch may cause fatal skin diseases in the bodies of these marine organisms.

Translator: Sara

Checked by Richard

Editor: Sara 

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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