CBCGDF Volunteers Cooperate with Fishery Law Enforcement to Clean up Illegal Fishing Tools during the Fishing Ban Period, in the Liaohe River Waters in Panjin City|BCON

Recently, the Liaohe River Basin has entered the fishing ban period (from 12:00 on May 16 to 12:00 on July 31 each year). In order to observe and understand the implementation of various regulations on the fishing ban period in the Liaohe River Basin, recently, volunteers from the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) carried out patrol operations in the Liaohe River Basin to promote the Biodiversity Conservation in Our Neighbourhood (BCON).BCON is an approach that encourages protection of biodiversity in people’s daily life and activities. This includes minimizing human disturbances to nature, reducing disturbance to wildlife, protecting biodiversity, cherishing the value of wilderness, and conserving natural habitats in human’s surrounding areas.

On May 31, 2024, CBCGDF volunteers found illegal fishing in the waters near Shuangtaizi River in Panjin City and immediately reported it to the Panjin City Fishery Law Enforcement Department. The illegal fisherman drove away in a boat. Three staff members of the Shuangtaizi District Fishery Law Enforcement Department rushed to the scene and actively cooperated with the CBCGDF volunteers to pull the ground cage nets in the river ashore and destroy and clean them up, and then released more than 10 kilograms of fish and crabs in the ground cage nets back to the river.

Local residents reported that illegal fishing was rampant in nearby rivers, and hoped that government departments could organize clean-ups in a timely manner to protect the aquatic resources of the Liaohe River. In this season, the endangered fish, Coilia nasus is reproducing in the river, they hoped that the fishery administration would increase law enforcement efforts and crack down on illegal fishing.

Original article:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/GgI7U_4xNw0rXMa2IndXFQ


Checked by Sara

Editor: Daisy

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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