Join Us to Participate in Building the Dark and Starry Sky Zone at CBCGDF Science Museum

The construction of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Science Museum is an initiative aimed at calling for the fight against light pollution, protecting the dark sky, and promoting star protection and science popularization.

Photo by Yutong Xiong, credit to CBCGDF

CBCGDF’s Starry Sky Working Committee has been established since 2015. In the past ten years, they have set up 10 Conservation Areas for Dark Sky (CCAfa) across the country. Science popularization and tourism as the basic connotation, and mobilizing social forces to pay attention to the dark sky and care for the beautiful starry sky.

The CBCGDF invites astronomy and photography enthusiasts to participate in the construction of the Conservation Area for Dark Sky. Together, we can transform the Science Museum into a hub for spreading scientific knowledge, witnessing the revitalization of history, demonstrating the ecological responsibility of people, and contributing to the protection of the common dark starry sky resources and heritage of mankind.

Editor: LYJ

Reviewed by: Yanjun

Contact:; +8617319454776


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