Strengthening Marine Biodiversity Monitoring: CBCGDF Hosts Capacity Building Meeting

On the morning of June 11, 2024, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) convened a capacity-building meeting, jointly organized by its Comprehensive Technical Department, Marine and Wetland Working Group, and Secretariat. The focus of the meeting was on the technologies and international cooperation in marine biodiversity monitoring. The session was presided over by Secretary-General Dr Zhou Jinfeng.

During the meeting, representatives from various departments shared insights on the application of environmental DNA (eDNA) in aquatic biodiversity monitoring. eDNA, a cutting-edge technology, allows for the detection of species presence and abundance through genetic material collected from water samples. This method enhances the accuracy and efficiency of monitoring efforts by providing a non-invasive way to study marine ecosystems and track biodiversity changes over time. He also introduced the new tool of eDITH, a very useful model for eDNA research and analysis.

The discussions also emphasized the importance of leveraging international scientific networks to foster cooperation. Participants highlighted successful collaborations and identified potential areas for future partnerships, underscoring the value of sharing knowledge and resources across borders. The integration of global expertise and technological innovations is seen as pivotal in addressing the complex challenges of marine biodiversity conservation.

Secretary General Zhou Jinfeng underscored the critical role of marine biodiversity in maintaining ecological balance and supporting sustainable development. He called for increased efforts in research, monitoring, and conservation to protect marine ecosystems. The meeting concluded with a consensus on the need for continued collaboration and capacity-building initiatives to advance marine biodiversity monitoring and conservation.

(Note: This article is intended for routine documentation purposes and is for reference only.)

Reported by Wendy  

Edited by Sara

Contact:; +8617319454776


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