Raising Ambition, Accelerating Action: Towards Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions for Forests

United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) launched a new report, titled “Raising Ambition, Accelerating Action: Towards Enhanced Nationally Determined Contributions for Forests” on Monday.

The report says that failure to place efforts to halt deforestation at the heart of global climate response could slow down the transition to a green, resilient and prosperous future for the human race.

The report, observes that many countries are off-track in meeting the 2030 target to halt deforestation, a scenario that could worsen the climate crisis, poverty, hunger and biodiversity loss.

Launched on the eve of a global climate change meeting in Bonn, Germany, the report says that greenhouse gas reduction targets that countries submitted between 2017 and 2021 failed to meet the ambitious goal of halting and reversing forest loss by 2030.

The report emphasized that forests are key in regulating climate, air and water quality, storing planet-warming gases, and providing a home to pollinators while their destruction threatens the global sustainability agenda.

Edited by: YJ
Checked By: LYJ
Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776 


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