China-Madagascar Ties Strengthened as Madagascar Marks 64th Independence Day

On June 26, 2024, the Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar in China hosted a grand reception to commemorate the nation’s 64th Independence Day. The event, held at the Embassy’s premises in Beijing, was a vibrant celebration of Madagascar’s rich culture, heritage, and achievements. 

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The reception commenced with a warm welcome address by His Excellency Jean Louis Robinson, Ambassador of Madagascar to China. Ambassador Robinson delved into the rich history and significance of the event, recounting the nation’s remarkable journey since gaining independence. He also highlighted the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Madagascar and China, emphasizing the mutual respect and admiration that have characterized their bilateral relations.

Following Ambassador’s address, Mr. Li Bin, Deputy Director of the Department of African Affairs at the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, delivered a captivating speech. Mr. Li echoed the Ambassador’s sentiments, commending the strong ties between the two nations and reaffirming China’s unwavering commitment to strengthening cooperation with Madagascar in various fields, including environmental protection, sustainable development, and cultural exchange.

To conclude the formal part of the evening, Ambassador Robinson and Mr. Li raised their glasses in a toast, marking the special occasion and expressing their heartfelt wishes for the continued prosperity and well-being of both Madagascar and China. The resounding applause that followed their toast encapsulated the spirit of camaraderie and shared aspirations that permeated the atmosphere.

The Madagascar Independence Day reception was witnessed by a distinguished gathering of esteemed guests, representing a diverse tapestry of society. Among those present were representatives from embassies of various nations, the China Africa General Association (中国非洲总商会), international organizations, and the business community and many others. Their presence at this momentous occasion underscored the deep respect and admiration for Madagascar’s rich heritage and its remarkable journey towards nationhood.

Gracing the occasion with her presence was Ms. Linda Wong, Deputy Secretary-General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF). Ms. Wong’s attendance at the reception reflected the deep friendship and cooperation between peoples of China and Madagascar, particularly in the realm of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Amidst the lively atmosphere, guests watched the excellent dance and music performances, savored a delectable spread of Malagasy cuisine, featuring an array of flavors and aromas that epitomized the country’s culinary heritage. From succulent meat dishes to exotic fruits and vegetables, the culinary delights offered a taste of Madagascar’s diverse gastronomic traditions.

(Please note: This article is a routine work record. It is for information only.)

Reporter: Wendy

Editor: Richard


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