Longma International Trust Limited Visits CBCGDF: Collaborating to IntegrateBiodiversity Conservation with Development

On the morning of May 17, 2024, Ms. Zhang Xiaomei, the founder of Longma Trust and Mr. Li Gang, the director of foreign cooperation, visited. Dr. Zhou Jinfeng, Secretary General of the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF), and held a cooperation negotiation meeting. 

Ms. Zhang Xiaomei briefly introduced Longma Trust’s main business directions and recent trust projects. She hopes that both sides can cooperate on the green development, science, and ecological benefits of biodiversity conservation projects. 

Dr. Zhou warmly welcomed Longma Trust’s visit and expressed appreciation for their emphasis on ecological conservation in their cooperation strategy. As a national-level association in the field of biodiversity conservation and green development in China, CBCGDF cooperates with multiple trust organizations in areas such as biodiversity conservation and promoting natural environment change. This is also a practical requirement for environmental organizations to achieve green and low-carbon development. It tracks the forefront of biodiversity conservation, actively introduces advanced concepts, and conducts relevant theoretical research and practical exploration.

Original Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/5LFH7bKmlhTD5l9qJiIh0A

Translator: Richard

Checked by LYJ

Editor: Richard

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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