CBCGDF Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group Actively Proposes Implementation Plans for Development in the Graphene

The Beijing Municipal Bureau of Economy and Information Technology recently issued a notice to publicly solicit opinions on the “Beijing Graphene Industry Development Implementation Plan (2024-2028)” (Draft for Comment). After careful study, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) Reduce & Pick-up Plastics Working Group put forward three suggestions. 

Credit: CBCGDF

Recommendation 1. The current full text of the “Beijing Graphene Industry Development Implementation Plan (2024-2028)” does not mention “climate change”, and it is recommended to include it.

Recommendation 2. It is recommended to emphasize the potential of graphene in environmental governance and pollution prevention and control.

Recommendation 3: The current draft for comments does not mention risks anywhere, and it ignores forward-looking research on ethical issues in scientific and technological innovation. It is recommended to supplement and improve it.

Editor: LYJ

Check: Maggie

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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