Uncivilized Aerial Photography by Drones Needs to Be Managed Now | CBCGDF BASE

With the development of modern technology, drones are increasingly being used by people, especially to capture pictures of migratory birds. But this also exposes many problems.

Recently, a drone collision that killed a seagull was discovered in the Nanhu Ecological Park in Jiayuguan City. Drones chasing and shooting birds at close range can have a significant impact on birds. Not only does approaching them pose a threat to their safety, but it may also cause them to be startled and attack the drone. It will also affect the normal migration, reproduction, and other activities of birds.

In July 2020, in order to promote the ethical relationship between humans and animals and reduce the amount of accidents caused by drones, the China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation (CBCGDF) released the “Code of Ethics for Natural Photography” (T/CGDF 00008-2020), which explicitly required to “respect nature and prohibit setting up (or filming) sheds”; In the “Animal Ethics” section, it is proposed to avoid using aerial cameras to chase wild animals as much as possible, and to avoid disturbing the normal nesting, resting, foraging, and brooding of birds and other wild animals; During filming (including video monitoring), it is advisable to maintain a certain distance from the nests and burrows of wild animals as much as possible; Be cautious when using flashlights and minimize the use of artificial light sources as much as possible; Avoid feeding or using bait to attract wild animals in their natural habitats; In terms of clothing, tips were also made to blend the shooting background as much as possible to minimize the impact on animals.

We suggest that relevant management departments establish management norms related to bird watching behavior. At the same time, announcement boards, notices, and reporting phone numbers should be set up in important bird activity areas to strengthen supervision and publicity, and resolutely resist all bird watching behaviors that affect the normal activities of birds.

Original Link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/c63P2l2i4MNCgCnMpivYiw

Translator: Richard

Checked by Sara

Editor: Richard

Contact: v10@cbcgdf.org; +8617319454776


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